How to use social media to boost SEO

How Social Media can Benefit SEO!

SEO is a major business strategy that is used by every business firm these days. Along with it, it is also important to make effective use of social media marketing as that can help in bringing more traffic to the business website.

Both SEO and social media marketing are inbound and organic strategies that effectively focus on enhancing the appeal of a brand and attract visitors naturally. Social media greatly relies on top quality content along with strong and visible brand presence. Therefore the efforts that you implement on SEO methods can truly improve the reach of your social media. It can also help you to boost your search rankings.

Here are some of the most important benefits that you can obtain from social media marketing.

Increasing the followers of your business

The number of followers that you have through your brand’s social media profiles can have a major impact on your SERP rankings. The more are the numbers of likes and followers that you have through sites like FaceBook and Twitter, the greater are your chances of having greater visibility in Google search rankings. Google can easily detect the quality and numbers of your followers. Hence you should focus on building your followers organically instead of buying large numbers of proxy followers. While this means that you need to spend more time in improving your Search Engine Ranking and social media marketing strategies, it can provide you with the fruits at the end of the day. You should try to present your company and brand in a unique and consistent manner.

A good way to do this is to post useful articles, open inquiries, helpful tips and create general discussion items. You can then follow up and initiate discussions with your users simply by engaging them in a direct conversation. Such conversations can lead to direct customer engagements which can help you to build and manage a substantial interactive following. This also paves the way for you to encourage new and potential followers to take an interest in your brand.

Optimizing your posts regularly for searches

It is not only important for you to create top quality and useful content for your followers but you should also optimize your posts. In order to do this, you must have some pre-existing content to start with. Apart from Knowledge Graph entries and news articles, Google loves to have social media updates regularly posted in the SERPs. By optimizing the posts, you can have more numbers of people reading them and taking an interest in what you have to offer.

To achieve the best results, make sure that you use an infographic, a video, or a link to an article as an anchor for your post. Next, as you post the content, frame the foundation with the text that has been optimized for some specific search.

Trying to accumulate more external inbound links

The social media channels are extremely useful when you are looking to have plenty of external websites to link their portals to your content. The more numbers of diverse external links that you have, the greater authority you are going to have as per Google’s recommendations. It is however important that you only have the best of high quality and authoritative content. Unless you do so, you are not going to have anything to attract such links.

The social media mainly serves as a platform for promoting your content. However, it is still important that you have good content to begin with. If your content is unique, useful and of high quality, then the social media channels can serve as networks through which you can have the desired numbers of followers and customers. Make sure that your present your content on the currently existing discussions and threads as it can help your content to generate authority and the enhance potential sources of external links.

Influencing the phenomenon of social sharing

Just like external links, social sharing also contributes to building a brand’s overall authority. For Google and other search engines, any indication of a verifiable external source validating your brand or your content is grounds for a small improvement in domain authority. This means that the more number of people sharing your content, the greater is its validity and importance in the eyes of Google. Likes, favorites, shares, replies as well as retweets lead to developing such increased authority. It has been proven time and again that the finest way of promoting increased social sharing is by appealing to the users directly. Another benefit of sharing is that the more numbers of people is going to share such a type of content across various social media platforms, the greater interest will people take on the content. This will again lead them to share or like the content even more as they spread it to a new audience.

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